Tuesday, April 11, 2006


The other night I looked over the names to your right of all Contributors (which is an incomplete list) and marvelled over the collective talents that have been assembled to put together this website. I thought it would be fun to list each contributor and his/her contribution to the project with a little corporate style writeup included. We do indeed have a "DreamTeam"! (All the below comes from my own notes, which may need correction.)

DreamTeam Roster

Starting at the Executive Director position is Jyotish. He is the one who approves expenditures and over-sees the overall direction of the Ananda Resource Library. Jyotish's expansive vision led to the increased scope of the project to be much more than a web-based replacement for the Minister's Bookshelf. Author, entrepreneur, minister, spiritual leader and painter, Jyotish brings a host of talents to the table. He was educated at the University of Minnesota.

Project Manager is Kent Williams, head of ACSR IT. Kent sets the project timeline, deliverables and keeps everyone on task. He reports directly to Jyotish. Kent, in addition to having a degree in Chemistry, serves our greater community as board chairman of our local health clinic.

Project Founder is Satyaki. He keeps an eye on us from his minister's perch in Portland, ensuring the spirit and intent of the original Minister's Bookshelf, which Satyaki devotedly assembled, remain intact. While Satyaki was an employee at Microsoft, he authored a landmark paper on Object Linking and Embedding.

Webmaster is Maria Warner. Maria is creating the design, via Photoshop, of the Ananda Resource Library, in addition to her duties overseeing all the Web activities at Ananda. A native of Russia, Maria, like Kent, has a university degree in Chemistry.

Design Consultant is Nirmala. She is assisting our design efforts, particularly in the area of color, to reflect the astral beauty of a rainbow. Nirmala has many years of experience in book cover and typsetting design and book production. She also is a "crackerjack" with Quark xPress and Photoshop. In her spare time, she helps her husband oversee Ananda's outreach in the subcontinent of India.

Nabha, our Content Production Manager, is directing the conversion of the Minister's Bookshelf .doc formatted content to HTML. He manages the websites of the Expanding Light and Crystal Clarity.

Ably assisting Nabha in the conversion project is Mamata who comes to us via Nepal and Experience Ananda. In addition, Mamata crafted the SQL Select statement that provides the data underpining for the website authentication. Mamata has a Master's in Public Health.

.Net Developer is Scott Roberts. Scott is coding the tool that will enable just about anyone to post content to the site. Scott's day job is educating the young men of our High School. In addition to completing course studies for a Phd in Physics, Scott is certified by Microsoft as a .Net Developer.

Web Developer is
Dharmaraj Iyer. Currently, he is teaching 4th-6th grade class this year at Living Wisdom School, Nevada City. Dharmaraj has a Masters' Degree in Computer Science from MIT and spent summers working at AT&T Research and Xerox PARC. He received undergraduate degrees (in math and computer science) at the University of Pennsylvania.

Network Engineer is Bob
Stolzman. Bob set up our SQL Server while overseeing the Network at Rajarsi Park. Cisco certified, Bob came to Ananda via Autodesk. Bob has a university degree in Geology.

Data Center and Internet Engineer is Koral Ilgun. Koral was instrumental in establishing high-speed Internet access at Ananda. Koral comes to Ananda via Turkey and has a Master's degree in Computer Science from UC Santa Barbara.

Project Consultant is Peter Skillman. From his "day job" experience as a Web Developer and Webmaster for a small Sacramento software company, Peter has seen the magic of the "frictionless advantage" -- The Internet -- level the playing field between small companies and multinational corporations. Peter was educated at Amherst where he earned a BA in American Studies.

Chairman Emeritis and Inspiration for the Ananda Resource Library is Swami Kriyananda. Through Swamiji's peerless discipleship to Master and his tireless and extraordinarily generous sharing of Yogananda's teaching to every sincere seeker worldwide, this project was born. Everyone of the DreamTeam draws on Swami's lifelong example of selfless offering in service to the Light through his Guru.


At 8:35 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Pretty impressive crew overall...Our humble scribe, Mr. Skillman is modest in this and his own assessments.

At 9:08 AM, Blogger koral said...

Thanks Peter for these short bios. Just a few corrections, I come from Turkey, not Hungary, but close enough. I have been accused to be Greek or French before too, but never Hungarian :-)
My Master's degree was in Computer Science, not Internet Security. My Master's thesis was on network security, which is quite different as there was no Internet as we know it at that time.


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