If Swami designed a website

During the recent Mahasamadhi celebration, Swami mentioned in one of his talks that he "knew nothing of the Internet." Well, we are not taking this as the last word! In any case, a useful exercise would be to imagine, "If Swami designed a website..." or "If Master designed a website.." What would be the result?
The first step was to find out what Swami likes in colors. Nirmala, who has worked closely with Swami in design issues for many years, answered our inquiry with the following: "Swami likes clear, un-muddy colors. Here’s a blue for you: 16 – 10 – 241.I think you will do great with any clear, pure shade. Keep out the blacks, browns, etc. Here is a quick sampling, but by no means definitive. This is just to give you an idea of what I mean by pure shades. There are lots of other ones that will do fine. red 204 – 43 – 0, orange 243 – 126 – 0, yellow 244 – 239 – 97, green 122 – 216 – 4, blue 38 – 71 - 235, indigo 38 – 42 – 199, violet 143 – 46 - 204 as far as fonts go, he like serif fonts."

Jyotish, Kent, Nabha and I have been meeting to discuss and plan this project and have addressed,particularly, the "UI" or user interface. The current Ananda Web "Brand" with logo and look will provide a base point.
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