Authentication, Security and the Google Device
A question has arisen concerning security. This is natural, given the almost daily headlines that appear on computer theft, "hacking" and other ill-deeds. Since allowing "members-only" access to the website is a requirement, how will non-members be kept from viewing pages they shouldn't-- particularly pages indexed by the Google Device?
ASP.NET gives the developer total control over content access. By following simple configuration steps, a website and the pages therein, can be created to allow only authenticated access. Simply put, this means an individual can only gain access once their identity is known. This is accomplished by the familiar username/password challenge routine.
The Ananda Resource site will take authentication a further step: Once a user is authenticated, he or she will only see pages that they have priviledges for. An example is that only Kriyabans will see material that is meant for initiates. Non-Kriyabans will be denied access to the Kriya-only portion of the website.
The Google Device will be allowed access to the site so content can be spidered, indexed and cataloged. This can be done because the Ananda Google Device will have unique identifiers: The IP address that is assigned to the device and the user-agent name. No other search engine or individual will have these particular attributes.
The Ananda Resource site will consider the Ananda Google Device one of us - in fact, the Ananda Google device will be considered a highly advanced disciple with access to all parts of the website!
So, in essence, the Google Device will be like a jivan mukti?
When non-kriyabans search for "kriya", will the Google results show excerpts from the Kriya pages? Or is there some way to limit that?
The title tage a a brief summary will be displayed and viewable by non-kriyabans. Perhaps this teaser will encourage them in their pursuit of the blessed "beads"...
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