Navigation for a site with thousands of potential links
Navigation on traditional old-school "static" websites is done "by hand". Each time a new page is created, navigation for that page is coded manually. Since one of the core missions of the Ananda Resource Site is to automate as many processes as possible, "hand coding" of navigation is to be avoided, particularly when one contemplates the sheer scope of managing thousands of documents. Our goal is when a document is added to the "catalog" or site, links to that document are created "automagically". This is because we want just about anyone to be able to post documents to the site, not just "Web Goobers".
Scott Roberts, a 12 year resident of Ananda Village and a teacher

Here is one example of a "dynamic XML" driven menu structure.
This shot shows a page from an extranet. The large white space in the "body" is to emulate a "clean desktop" uncluttered and ready for work. The viewer is not "overwhelmed" with a multiplicity of links and choices. Hopefully, calmness and not panic, is what this design

When the user is ready for work, they (metaphorically speaking) open up a drawer and click on a menu choice. With "flyover layers" complex, drill down navigation paths can be displayed and easily understood.

Here is the XML Code that generated this menu flyover:
'<'item Text="IT" LookId="TopItemLook"'>'
'<'item Text="Assets" Look-RightIconUrl="arrow_menu.gif" Look-RightIconWidth="15"'>'
'<'item Text="Hardware Entry" NavigateUrl="Assets.aspx"/'>'
'<'item Text="Browse, edit Hardware Assets" NavigateUrl="AssetsList.aspx"/'>'
'<'item Text="Software Entry" NavigateUrl="SoftwareAssets.aspx"/'>'
'<'item Text="Browse, edit Software Assets" NavigateUrl="SoftwareAssetsList.aspx"/'>'
'<'item Text="Service Support Contract Entry" /'>'
'<'item Text="Browse, edit Service Support Contracts Assets" /'>'
'<'item Text="HelpDesk Tickets" NavigateUrl="SLXWebTicketLookUp.aspx"'>''<'/item'>'
'<'item Text="SQL DTS" Look-RightIconUrl="arrow_menu.gif" Look-RightIconWidth="15"'>'
'<'item Text="SQL DTS Entry" NavigateUrl="DTS_Edit.aspx"/'>'
'<'item Text="Browse, edit SQL DTS" NavigateUrl="DTS.aspx"/'>'
What we are looking for is a working prototype. Let me know when you are ready to demo.
Is this what will save us so much time and enable specific preauthorized users like Savitri and Jackie Saar and Satyaki, etc to add pages without anyone having to go in to rework links? I would like to refine it so that we could have pre authorized users automatically add pages, then a way for others, not previously vetted, to add "pending pages" subject to review/edit/acceptance by a moderator(s)-Kent
Kent -- what you are referring to is content management, a whole another topic/module. We will address that weighty topic later.
Links discussed thus far are 1. Sevaka Order 2. Photos/Images 3. Articles/Written Word 4. Community
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